Using count in a sub form



I am using =count([Issued]) to count the number of shares owned by the
shareholder displayed in the main form. Issued is a check mark that
represents checked = yes and unchecked = no. Currently, the count returns the
count of both the checked and unchecked. If I use dcount([Issued]), I can set
criteria, but it count returns all the shareholder not just the one dislayed.
Does anyone know how to count only the checked in the subform.


Roger Carlson

The count function will count any field which has a value. Since both Yes
and No are values, it will count all of them. (Yes is represented as -1 and
No is represented as 0). However, if you use:
you should get the correct number. Sum will total all the values, but it
will be a negative number. ABS is the absolute value function which will
convert it to a positive number.

--Roger Carlson
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um will sum up all the values.

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