Using Color as Criteria in Countif Function

  • Thread starter Thread starter Judy Cohen
  • Start date Start date

Judy Cohen

I want to set up a count of all cells where the date is equal to the date
specified in column A on the sheet and the font for the specified range is

Currently my formula reads
=SUMPRODUCT(('Master Log'!U$2:U$2600="Red")*('Master Log'!U$2:U$2600=A11))

I need to find out how many cases I processed that were overdue by date so I
can see how many cases I had overdue per month.

The font on the Master Log goes to Red in the conditional formatting if the
item was processed overdue.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
Replicate the logic tests in your conditional formatting within your
SUMPRODUCT formula. It's otherwise very difficult to identify formatting
applied by conditional formatting.

Hope this helps,

I figured it out. Thank you for the suggestion. I wound up with a simple note
that the date in the one column plus a set of days needed to be earlier then
the date in the target column and the date in the target column was equal to
the date on my summary sheet in that particular target column.
My conditional formatting is on another sheet. For the given column it
compares dates, if date in the specified column is more than a certain amount
after the column that I am comparing to it would show as red, do I copy my
formala from the conditional formatting editor where I have "red" also do I
enclose the formula in quotes?