Using Check boxes in Excel



Hi all

A colleague of mine has a worksheet and when she enters a 1 into a cell, a
tick is automatically entered into a checkbox in another cell next door.

The person who created this workbook no longer works for the company and we
now have to replicate this.

Any idea how he has created it???

Any urgent help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.


One way:

Set the font to Wingdings for the cell where the tick is to appear put this
formula there


changing the A5 reference to the cell where you are to enter the 1.


There a few things you need to do. The first is to make sure you have the
forms toolbar in operation. View>Toolbars>Forms. Then select the tick/check
box from your forms toolbars. Now right click on the check box and click
format control. Select your linked cell and click OK. now when you check the
box with your mouse you will notice there is a TRUE value in the cell you
chose to be your linked cell and if you uncheck it there will be a FALSE
value. Let's say you chose B1 as your linked cell, in B1 enter,
=IF(A1=1,TRUE,FALSE) Now when you enter 1 in A1 your box will be checked, if
there is not a 1 the box will be unchecked.

Hope this has helped



Thank you for your help.
The only problem is, they want the actual checkbox style, not just a tick.
I think I have got around it by using the Forms method, adding a checkbox and
then applying a Cell to it - that seemed to work.

Thanks any way.


Worked a treat, thank you.


PH NEWS said:
There a few things you need to do. The first is to make sure you have the
forms toolbar in operation. View>Toolbars>Forms. Then select the tick/check
box from your forms toolbars. Now right click on the check box and click
format control. Select your linked cell and click OK. now when you check the
box with your mouse you will notice there is a TRUE value in the cell you
chose to be your linked cell and if you uncheck it there will be a FALSE
value. Let's say you chose B1 as your linked cell, in B1 enter,
=IF(A1=1,TRUE,FALSE) Now when you enter 1 in A1 your box will be checked, if
there is not a 1 the box will be unchecked.

Hope this has helped


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