I'd like to use the C5 Generic Collection Library (
http://www.itu.dk/research/c5/ ) in my C++/CLI project. However I
always get an fatal compiler error C1001.
It already happens when you just add the two obvious lines to the
CLR-console type wizard generated main method:
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <C5.dll> // <---- this line is new
using namespace System;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
C5::ArrayList<String^>^ stringList = gcnew C5::ArrayList<String^>();
// <---- this line is new
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
return 0;
I of course compile with /clr switch. Regardless of the configuration
(Debug/Release) I always get the compiler output:
..\TestC5Lib.cpp(10) : fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred
in the compiler.
(compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1392)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program
near the locations listed above.
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more
.\TestC5Lib.cpp(10) : see reference to class generic
instantiation 'C5::ArrayList' being compiled
T=System::String ^
I already tried compiling the C5 project myself in Debug/Release mode
but this did'nt help.
Could this be a problem of the C5.dll or my way of using the C#
assembly in general?
I'd like to use the C5 Generic Collection Library (
http://www.itu.dk/research/c5/ ) in my C++/CLI project. However I
always get an fatal compiler error C1001.
It already happens when you just add the two obvious lines to the
CLR-console type wizard generated main method:
#include "stdafx.h"
#using <C5.dll> // <---- this line is new
using namespace System;
int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
C5::ArrayList<String^>^ stringList = gcnew C5::ArrayList<String^>();
// <---- this line is new
Console::WriteLine(L"Hello World");
return 0;
I of course compile with /clr switch. Regardless of the configuration
(Debug/Release) I always get the compiler output:
..\TestC5Lib.cpp(10) : fatal error C1001: An internal error has occurred
in the compiler.
(compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1392)
To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program
near the locations listed above.
Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++
Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more
.\TestC5Lib.cpp(10) : see reference to class generic
instantiation 'C5::ArrayList' being compiled
T=System::String ^
I already tried compiling the C5 project myself in Debug/Release mode
but this did'nt help.
Could this be a problem of the C5.dll or my way of using the C#
assembly in general?