Using both FP 2003 and 2002 on Website


Pete Rissler

I've been working on a web site ( with FP 2003. My partner
now wants to add stuff to the site but is using FP2002. I know that with
2003 it's possible to synchronize between the server and local machine. Is
this possible with 2002? If we make changes to the site separately and use
the synchronize setting will we run into problems?

There's nothing fancy on the website. The server is run by using
an Apache server with FP2002 extensions.


Stefan B Rusynko

To avoid stepping on each other's changes
Before (or after) you open the site in FP find and delete the web cache files associated w/ the site
(local and remote *.web files - to prevent web cache file corruption errors)

Each time either of you open the site for editing in FP
File Publish the remote to the local
(in FP2003 only you can sync the remote & local)
Then Run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks
Edit the site and then Use File Publish back to the remote
(in FP2003 only you can sync the local & remote)


| I've been working on a web site ( with FP 2003. My partner
| now wants to add stuff to the site but is using FP2002. I know that with
| 2003 it's possible to synchronize between the server and local machine. Is
| this possible with 2002? If we make changes to the site separately and use
| the synchronize setting will we run into problems?
| There's nothing fancy on the website. The server is run by using
| an Apache server with FP2002 extensions.
| Thanks
| --
| Pete Rissler

Pete Rissler

Stefan B Rusynko said:
To avoid stepping on each other's changes
Before (or after) you open the site in FP find and delete the web cache files associated w/ the site
(local and remote *.web files - to prevent web cache file corruption errors)

Each time either of you open the site for editing in FP
File Publish the remote to the local
(in FP2003 only you can sync the remote & local)
Then Run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks
Edit the site and then Use File Publish back to the remote
(in FP2003 only you can sync the local & remote)


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