Autofilter function....
when i use custom in autofilter......to filter date e.g.
(2/30/2003)....the cells format is in date format.....as i filter by
using * and ?.....it can't be filter....but if i change the date to
text format...it can be filter.....so can anyone help me...to solve
this problem....is there any ways to filter the date in date
format....the file is attached ...thank alot....."P....
| Attachment filename: project costs monitoring(date).xls |
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=344868|
when i use custom in autofilter......to filter date e.g.
(2/30/2003)....the cells format is in date format.....as i filter by
using * and ?.....it can't be filter....but if i change the date to
text format...it can be filter.....so can anyone help me...to solve
this problem....is there any ways to filter the date in date
format....the file is attached ...thank alot....."P....
| Attachment filename: project costs monitoring(date).xls |
|Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=344868|