Scott James
Help please...
I cannot seem to get Assembly.CreateInstance to work on an interop
assembly that was created using ConvertTypeLibToAssembly then loaded.
I'm able to successfully use relection to examine the classes and
methods. I just can't create an instance which makes life really
hard. What am I missing in this whole concept.
I want to allow the user to select a typelib from all available in the
registry, browse the available types and select a type with which to
create an instance.
In the example below, the file argument passed in is XL5EN32.OLB,
which is the Excel 5.0 type library. I keep getting an exception
telling me that "Constructor on type * not found", where * is the type
I'm trying to create an instance of.
<DllImport("oleaut32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode,
PreserveSig:=False)> _
Private Shared Sub LoadTypeLibEx(ByVal strTypeLibName As [String],
ByVal regKind As RegKind, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)> ByRef
typeLib As [Object])
End Sub
Public Function AddComComponent(ByVal name As String, ByVal
file As
String) As Boolean
Dim typeLib As [Object]
LoadTypeLibEx(file, RegKind.RegKind_None, typeLib)
If typeLib Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("LoadTypeLibEx failed.")
End If
Dim converter As New TypeLibConverter
Dim eventHandler As New ConversionEventHandler
Dim fi As New FileInfo(file)
Dim assemblyName As String = fi.Name & ".interop.dll"
Dim AssemblyPath As String =
& "\" & name & ".interop.dll"
Dim asm As AssemblyBuilder =
(typeLib, assemblyName, 0, eventHandler, Nothing,
Nothing, Nothing)
Dim myTypes() As System.Type
myTypes = asm.GetTypes()
Dim myType As System.Type
For Each myType In myTypes
Dim myObj As Object
myObj =
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
I cannot seem to get Assembly.CreateInstance to work on an interop
assembly that was created using ConvertTypeLibToAssembly then loaded.
I'm able to successfully use relection to examine the classes and
methods. I just can't create an instance which makes life really
hard. What am I missing in this whole concept.
I want to allow the user to select a typelib from all available in the
registry, browse the available types and select a type with which to
create an instance.
In the example below, the file argument passed in is XL5EN32.OLB,
which is the Excel 5.0 type library. I keep getting an exception
telling me that "Constructor on type * not found", where * is the type
I'm trying to create an instance of.
<DllImport("oleaut32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode,
PreserveSig:=False)> _
Private Shared Sub LoadTypeLibEx(ByVal strTypeLibName As [String],
ByVal regKind As RegKind, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)> ByRef
typeLib As [Object])
End Sub
Public Function AddComComponent(ByVal name As String, ByVal
file As
String) As Boolean
Dim typeLib As [Object]
LoadTypeLibEx(file, RegKind.RegKind_None, typeLib)
If typeLib Is Nothing Then
Throw New Exception("LoadTypeLibEx failed.")
End If
Dim converter As New TypeLibConverter
Dim eventHandler As New ConversionEventHandler
Dim fi As New FileInfo(file)
Dim assemblyName As String = fi.Name & ".interop.dll"
Dim AssemblyPath As String =
& "\" & name & ".interop.dll"
Dim asm As AssemblyBuilder =
(typeLib, assemblyName, 0, eventHandler, Nothing,
Nothing, Nothing)
Dim myTypes() As System.Type
myTypes = asm.GetTypes()
Dim myType As System.Type
For Each myType In myTypes
Dim myObj As Object
myObj =
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function