Cor Ligthert said:
Only one question, will you please write the truth what I wrote and not
try to bring me in a demagogic way in discredit.
Okay see below.
That is easy for you in English, how much I will study English I will lose
that (as long as I had not made my profession from that).
The word "Hitler" is the same in Dutch and in English. The refusal to reply
with an example to Herfried is the same in Dutch as in English.
Be however aware that all people who speak more than one language forever
smile when they see people who speak only English do that. It gives a view
of a poor mind seeing people doing that in a discussion.
You can forever smile as you please but again you have no idea what
languages I speak. Perhaps you ought to consider the view of a poor mind
seeing you doing that in a discussion.
However using this in a thread were Stephany is in involved gives it even
another view. Sorry I cannot go on, would bring me on a level I don't want
to be.
Well try this (which you won't). Rather than being the "commentator" try to
actually post some code demonstrating your point. So when Herfried, or I or
anybody suggests something is a "good" idea you could post a technical
example of why it isn't. Hey do this... find some code you've posted and
post it again here or is all advice all the time?
It's a simple matter to verify (by searching Google) that you post your
agreement and disagreement on almost every matter.
Hey look what you wrote in Jan 2007:
If you use the standard ADO.Net methods you can only use it in an OOP way.
That can by clumsy by using it still with every small objects (item) or
effective using a lot of binding. The latter is however not influencing
OOP way. The OOP way is that you create as much as possible instancible
destructable objects. (The latter done by the managed code). And try to
avoid things as Modules or as they are called in VB Shared Classes (In C#
static classes and singletons).
From Oct 2005:
Cor Ligthert said:
If Hitler had won the war, than we would not have had *this* kind of
problems to discuss.
From Feb 2007:
Hitler had a National Socialistic Party.
The word Socialistic had (almost) nothing to do with his party (slightly it
has and you can even debate about it).
This is equivalent for me with the static/shared class, which is no class,
until you have a complete nation behind you which is indoctrinated.
Maybe a simpler one for those not so well informed about politics in Europe.
Because somebody calls a dog a horse, does not make that a dog is a horse
although a dog has four legs.
from Dec 2006:
The technologies is not the most important.
Let me take this time not a analogy with cars.
One of the first inventions from human was fire and how to make meat
consumable for humans, it seems that it was the start of their spread over
the world.
We still eat meat and still use in a way fire for that. However we do it
much more hygienic, a reason why we life much longer now.
Followed immediately with this reply the same day:
Be wise do not let you bring to use this newsgroup for a politic discussion.
Just ignore it,
From Feb 2007:
With writting those word at the beginning of your message you are bringing
for me every true Christian in discredite, who has given you the right to
write that, for sure not Jezus Christus, because he died to fight against
what you wrote.
Your words are very insulting and therefore probably 100% responsible for
the killing of not responsible persons from whatever nation or religion
(with the first goal of course Americans). Please keep your terrorists
feeding words out of this newsgroup.
Before you think that I am afraid by terrorists. Yes I am, but I don't see
them as a part of a religion or whatever, they are for me from the same
order as you.