Daniel said:
I have two hard drives on my pc [c: and d:]. my first hard drive [c:] is
full and when trying to install or download,it shows memory full.
how can i start using my other hard drive and the other as a slave.I
using windows xp
You need to learn how to use your computer, how to control which drive
applications are installed on, and how to specify where they save
their data files.
It is really very simple, once you understand the basic concept. Think
of your two hard drives as two different drawers in the same filing
cabinet. And all you are doing is deciding to use the second drawer
(drive D

rather than the first one (drive C

For example when you install a new application there are a number of
screens for which most people just tend to click on "Next" instead of
actually reading and trying to comprehend the contents of that screen
and the implications of just clicking on "Next" or "OK". One of
those screens will usually say that "New application will be installed
to folder C:\Program Files\New Application and if you click on Next
that is where the files will go, onto drive C:. However if you take
a second or two and change the first C to a D so it now reads
D:\Programs Files\New Application then it will now be installed to
that location, using drive D: instead of drive C:. And all of the
registry entries and shortcuts created for the New Application will be
created using drive D: as the location so it will be completely
transparent to you when you use the application. There will be no
difference in terms of how you launch or use the application than if
it were installed onto drive C: where it originally wanted to go.
But please understand that this change must be made at the start of
the install process. Once an application is installed you cannot just
simply move the files to drive D: and change the shortcuts and expect
it to work. If you want to change the drive (or folder) location for
an installed application you will have to uninstall the application
first then reinstall it and tell the reinstall to use the different
Good luck
Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair
"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."