Using animated gifs in forms? Possible?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Louis Herndon
  • Start date Start date

Louis Herndon


I know it is not necessarily proper, but I want to know if
it is possible to use an animated gif in a form. This is
a form not for data entry or reports or anything,
basically it is a "click OK" confirmation box. My user
has expressed a desire for an animated image to "draw
attention" before a user of the application exits. Does
anyone know how to or if it is even possible to implement
this. Any help at all would be appreciated.
You need to get an ActiveX control like the one you can find here:


You can create your own animation by displaying pictures sequentially with
the Timer event. On my website ( is a small
Access sample database called "Animation.mdb" which illustrates how.

--Roger Carlson
Access Database Samples:
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