Using Active Directory

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick McGuire
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Patrick McGuire

I am trying to load a combobox with all the existing
users on a computer (there are currently 4 users). I'm
using the following code:

Imports ActiveDirectory
Private Sub Form_Load

Dim cont As IADsContainer
Dim user As IADsUser
Dim strFilter() As String

cont = GetObject("WinNT://VAIO" & ",computer")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
HandleErrors(Err.Number, "on GetObject
End If
ReDim strFilter(0)
strFilter(0) = "User"
cont.Filter = strFilter
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
HandleErrors(Err.Number, "on
IADsContainer::Filter method")
End If

For Each user In cont
selectUser.Text = selectUser.Items(0)

end sub

The problem is the ForEach/Next loop. After executing
successfully for each of the four usrs, the loop throws
an invalid cast exception. I can't use a counter because
cont.count throws a "not implemented exception"

How do I work around this?

Thanks for the help

The problem is the ForEach/Next loop. After executing
successfully for each of the four usrs, the loop throws
an invalid cast exception. I can't use a counter because
cont.count throws a "not implemented exception"

Hi there,

As a matter of interest how comes you are not using Try blocks? You are
looking for errors by examining an error number, which seems to be a bit VB6
if my memory serves me correctly. i.e.


cont = GetObject("WinNT://VAIO" & ",computer")
catch ex as exception
'handle error here
end try


cont.Filter = strFilter
catch ex as exception
'handle error here
end try


I'm not to sure about your loop error though as I can't really test it
with my current setup. But maybe this information will be usefull none the
less. But small questions, what type is

* user.Name

Is this a string ? And what is selectUser? is that a collection,
arraylist, listview? Is the error actually occuring when it tries to add to
selectUser or when it initiates the loop?


Slow internet connection?
Having problems with you job?
You're marriage is on the rocks?
You can't sleep at night?
You have a drink and drugs addiction?
You are sexually impotent?
Then enable Option Strict!