I am developing an application in Access 2007. It is for a small, one man
business. In his business he will need to keep photos and or videos of
various pieces of artwork he creates (for brochures, 'reports' for customers,
etc). As well, he has another party who has designed a website for him,
where these same photos and/or videos will more than likely be used. Is
there a way for Access to store the images in a database or does that create
size and performance issues? I was thinking a possible route would be to
have the photos stored at a somewhat centralized location, then the website
could reference them while the Access database would store the paths to these
pictures and this value could be used as link property in the Access
application. Otherwise, would anyone know if there is existing software that
does somthing similar to this, at a relatively low cost?
business. In his business he will need to keep photos and or videos of
various pieces of artwork he creates (for brochures, 'reports' for customers,
etc). As well, he has another party who has designed a website for him,
where these same photos and/or videos will more than likely be used. Is
there a way for Access to store the images in a database or does that create
size and performance issues? I was thinking a possible route would be to
have the photos stored at a somewhat centralized location, then the website
could reference them while the Access database would store the paths to these
pictures and this value could be used as link property in the Access
application. Otherwise, would anyone know if there is existing software that
does somthing similar to this, at a relatively low cost?