using access to automate word document

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i am interested in finding the most efficient way to automate a document. my
document is actually a model or format document. the dynamic language in the
document is either text or numbers (math cacluations).

i want to use something a bit more powerful than search and replace for the
text changes. i realize bookmarks and field codes are options. here are my
questions. which are easier to use and where should they be kept. Inside
the document (i.e. input pages at front of document) or external (another
word document or another office progam (such as access).

second, for the numerical replacements, in the past, I have calculated these
in excel, then had manually enterered them into an access database, whereby
they were "merged" into my source document. the problem here is I was
retyping much of the workbook or spreadsheet data more than once. I have
pretty much decided to group calculations in my document and just paste
special or paste special link from my workbooks into the document.

in summary, i am changing a lot of similar text fields and a lot of similar
number fields in my document and i just want to type the change in one place.
i would like to graduate from search and replace, so should i consider
bookmarks or field codes in a merge document?

thanks for your input.
keats wrote: (Again)
i am interested in finding the most efficient way to automate a
document. my document is actually a model or format document. the
dynamic language in the document is either text or numbers (math

Sorry. This is a newsgroup dedicated to questions about Access, the
database program in Office Professional. It appears your question may not
be related to these subjects. The Microsoft help system is not all that
clear and may have misdirected you here.

It is best to ask your questions in a newsgroup dedicated to the
subject of your question. You should find people better able to address
your problem there.

Note: It is always best to indicate the name and version of any
program(s) you may be using when asking a question and also indicate the
operating system (like Windows XP or 98) when you ask a question.
You have posted two questions that appear to be the same except for the
Subject. In this post you indicate that you want to find the most efficient
way to automate your document.

It is possible to enter date into MS Access, perform various calculations
using the data and then either have it merge with Word or have it placed into
an Excel spreadsheet without you having to retype any data.

You need to first decide just how you want to work with the tools that are
available through the Office Suite.

If you need to ask questions concerning how to use Access to accomplish some
or all of these tasks, post those questions here. If you decide that you want
to use some other tool from the Office Suite, the post your questions to a
newsgroup devoted to the tool you are going to use.