Using a unbounded form to perform a query/filter?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin
  • Start date Start date



First of all, newbie go easy on me please. :o)

What I'm trying to achieve:

I have a form (form1) that I use to display people's information from
a table (table1). What I need to do is allow users to query different
criterias by entering the criterias into various text box (txtName /
txtLocation / etc). I was thinking of doing this from an unbounded

What I've done so far:

I've done quite a bit a searching through this group for the past week
now. I've stitched a lot of people's codes (mainly yours Dirk :o)
together and somehow it always breaks in one way or another for me.

My question:

Could someone please provide me with a bit of a sample code on how to
tackle this? :o)

Also is my approach to this a proper course? I know I can achieve the
same thing by make one query for every criteria to be searched
(queryName / queryLocation / etc) and attach them to various forms
(formName / formLocation / etc). However I was trying to avoid
creating a query and a form for EVERY criteria I wanted my users to
search with.

If someone knows another more efficient way, please let me know. Just
keep in mind that sample codes help! :o)

My system:

Office version: Office 2000
Operating system: Windows 2000

Thanks a lot in advance for your time!!!

Good evening Kevin

How to Use the Query-by-Form (QBF) Technique is covered in article Q95931
The article is very explicit on how to do this. However, if after reading it
you're still not sure, send me an email and I'll create a sample database for

Best Regards

Maurice St-Cyr
Micro Systems Consultants, Inc.
Good evening Kevin

How to Use the Query-by-Form (QBF) Technique is covered in article Q95931
The article is very explicit on how to do this. However, if after reading it
you're still not sure, send me an email and I'll create a sample database for

Best Regards

Maurice St-Cyr
Micro Systems Consultants, Inc.

Hi Maurice,

Thanks for your help so far. It helped a lot...I've managed to allow
the user to do a successful search.

One thing though: It's not displaying the searched results in my
form. What it's doing is displaying the results in the raw table

Do you think it's possible to have all that information drop into a

Sorry for all the newbie questions!

Once again, thanks a bunch!!!
Good evening Kevin

How to Use the Query-by-Form (QBF) Technique is covered in article Q95931
The article is very explicit on how to do this. However, if after reading it
you're still not sure, send me an email and I'll create a sample database for

Best Regards

Maurice St-Cyr
Micro Systems Consultants, Inc.

Hah! I mucked around for awhile and finally figured out how to
display it in a form rather than the raw table view.

DoCmd.OpenForm "Form1", acNormal, "qbf1", , acFormPropertySettings,

Once again Maurice, thanks for all your help pointing me in the right


- Kevin