First of all, newbie here...so go easy on me please. )
What I'm trying to achieve:
I have a form (form1) that I use to display people's information from
a table (table1). What I need to do is allow users to query different
criterias by entering the criterias into various text box (txtName /
txtLocation / etc). I was thinking of doing this from an unbounded
What I've done so far:
I've done quite a bit a searching through this group for the past week
now. I've stitched a lot of people's codes (mainly yours Dirk )
together and somehow it always breaks in one way or another for me.
My question:
Could someone please provide me with a bit of a sample code on how to
tackle this? )
Also is my approach to this a proper course? I know I can achieve the
same thing by make one query for every criteria to be searched
(queryName / queryLocation / etc) and attach them to various forms
(formName / formLocation / etc). However I was trying to avoid
creating a query and a form for EVERY criteria I wanted my users to
search with.
If someone knows another more efficient way, please let me know. Just
keep in mind that sample codes help! )
My system:
Office version: Office 2000
Operating system: Windows 2000
Thanks a lot in advance for your time!!!
First of all, newbie here...so go easy on me please. )
What I'm trying to achieve:
I have a form (form1) that I use to display people's information from
a table (table1). What I need to do is allow users to query different
criterias by entering the criterias into various text box (txtName /
txtLocation / etc). I was thinking of doing this from an unbounded
What I've done so far:
I've done quite a bit a searching through this group for the past week
now. I've stitched a lot of people's codes (mainly yours Dirk )
together and somehow it always breaks in one way or another for me.
My question:
Could someone please provide me with a bit of a sample code on how to
tackle this? )
Also is my approach to this a proper course? I know I can achieve the
same thing by make one query for every criteria to be searched
(queryName / queryLocation / etc) and attach them to various forms
(formName / formLocation / etc). However I was trying to avoid
creating a query and a form for EVERY criteria I wanted my users to
search with.
If someone knows another more efficient way, please let me know. Just
keep in mind that sample codes help! )
My system:
Office version: Office 2000
Operating system: Windows 2000
Thanks a lot in advance for your time!!!