The name field could have been a few issues I was having and wondering why
stuff wasn't working, (I'm not able to get to my stuff until tommarow so
can't check til then)
The purpose of the list box is to display the actual name of the dispatch
center that the zip code is searched for, for example, 11111 is entered,
areas that cover the 11111 zip code will be listed in the list box. The
listbox will then be used as the form of navigation for the subform.
Lets say I have this data in tblInfo:
ID Name
AAA ------Anaheim County
HAM ------Hamilton County
JKS -------Jackson City
And this info is in tblZipCode
ID ZipCode
The user enters 11111 for the Search:
List Box Displays:
Anaheim County
Hamilton County
If Anaheim County is clicked in the list box, the subform displays the
information for Anaheim County.
This is the only form of navigation I want, I've turned off all the record
navigators, in the main and sub form.
The goal is this:
When I get a new customer, all I do is input the zipcode they are located
into the message box, every center that covers the zipcode is then
into the listbox by the name of the center, I can then click on the names
the listbox and have the information quickly and easily displayed so I can
quickly choose the proper center.
No data will ever be altered from the form, nor will the user ever be able
to get to it (I'm just going to turn off everything in the startup options
and if they get anything new shift click to get in and manually input the
data myself, which is secure enough for what I'm doing.).
Thank you again for taking the time to continue helping, your a great
Allen Browne said:
Michael, there's a raft of issues here.
Firstly, if you have a field named "Name", Access is very likely to get
confused. Most objects in Access have a Name property, inclusing forms.
you try to refer to the Name field in the form, it will probably think
mean the name of the form. Best to change this to PersonName, or
or something that is not ambiguous.
Next, it is unclear what the purpose of the list box is. If it's for
displaying the zip codes applicable to the ID in the main form, the it
make sense to use an unbound list box. If it is to store the actualy zip
code for the record in the main form, then it would make sense to use a
bound list box. Either way, if there is no record selected in the main
(e.g. when you go to a new record), surely the list box should not show
So, what is the goal here? You've described what you are doing, but I
understand what you are trying to achieve. We started out with telephone
number area codes, and now we are talking zip codes. For display? To
a code and store?
Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.
Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.
This one is fairly lengthy, includes many details about my project.
When I make the listbox unbound it doesn't link properly, the going to
field won't work either because it wants to create a new record every
The database I have is only a few forms/tables page's so I'll put the
of it up here, its overall goal is to search for what police centers
for a searched for zipcode, display the results in a listbox, then view
details about whatever center is selected:
Table Name: tblInfo
Fields: ID(PK), Name, State, PolicePrimary, PoliceSecondary,
Table Name: tblZipCode (No PK)
Fields: ID, ZipCode
The two ID's are linked one to many with cascade update on, I will have
multiple Zipcodes for each ID
Query Name: qryZipCode (select query)
Has the Name field from Info (visible) and the Zipcode field from
(doesn't show), I do a [enter zipcode] in the critera field.
Form Name: frmMain
Record Source is tblInfo, there is a button that runs qryZipCode and
the results in a listbox on the form. Code here: (mixed and matched
experimenting sure its got unneeded stuff in it probably)
Private Sub Command9_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command9_Click
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "qryZipCode"
ListBox.RowSource = stDocName
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command9_Click
End Sub
Form Name: Info
Record Source is tblInfo and its linked to the frmMain through the Name
field. Ok, now whatever is in the name textbox I placed so that the
navigate" feature would work (located on frmMain) will have its info
in the subform. Thats the result I want, thats all I'm trying to do
database, the problem with the name change is all thats holding it
So say I have the command to go to a new record in the load command,
will happen is whatever is located in the textbox that is on tblInfo so
the linking will work will want to write to a new record upon closing
won't let it because there is no primary key for it)
Now if I have my go to last record feature loaded in the form it will
the last record "zzzzz" upon loading and I figured I could just have
take the name change over and over. The only problem is it wants to go
last record to much, I have to click around a couple times to lose/gain
in the right order in order to view information about a name if it was
name that "zzzzz" took.
If I try to switch the listbox to unbound it doesn't see anything to
with in the subform and it won't navigate the details by clicking in
Thanks for the help.