Using a formula in a sentence

  • Thread starter Thread starter krissy
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Here's a shot at it...

In F1 enter this partial sentence:

The number in cell J1 is (enter a space after the word "is")

In J1 enter 100

In A1 enter =F1&J1

Another shot at it is to do F1 and J1 as above except do not enter the space
after "is". Then use this formula in A1

=F1&" "&J1

I have two interpretations, so hopefully one of these works for you...

Interpretation 1.

Cell A1 reads "Dear Joe," and you want Cell A9 to only display "Joe". In
this case, enter the following formula in Cell A9:


Interpretation 2.

Cell A1 reads "Joe" and you want Cell A9 to display "Dear Joe,". In this
case, enter the following formula in Cell A9:

="Dear "&A1&","

Let me know which one it was or if I totally missed the mark.

For your example:

In A9 enter ="Dear " &F1

With the name in F1

Note the space in ="Dear "

And try this in A9:

="Dear "&F1&" "&"and "&G1

With Mr President in F1 and Monica in G1
