OK, now that I've thought about it some more, scrap my
previous suggestions and do this using your own idea of
basing the subform on a saved query with the combo box as
its criteria.
I don't know what the subform's record source table/query
looks like, but maybe this will get you started:
FROM subformtable
WHERE [Which Auction?] =
You'll have to change subformtable to the name of the
table(?) that contains the subform's data. Also change
combobox to the name of the combo box on the main form.
You will also have to add a line of code to the combo box's
AfterUpdate event procedure:
and the same line would also have to go in the form's
Current event procedure.
MVP [MS Access]
I couldn't get the Master/Child links to work.
I'm new at SQL statements. The main form is called
"frm-Bid_Information-Master". The subform is called
"frm-Bid_Information-Subform". The table the main form is based on is
"Event - Auction Items". The field that I want to pull up the records by is
called "Which Auction?"
How would these fit into your SQL statement?
I appreciate your help with this!