Not sure what is wrong but the code you wrote, that I cut and pasted
to the On Click event of the command button, is red!!
Let me start over and tell you what I have:
I have a form, fmTOs, that my users will enter their tests and
observations on and that information goes to a table. tbltretests.
This table has several fields, two of which are: testdate (data type
= date/time) and employeetested (data type = text).
I have a report: rptByEmployee, which I want to open by way of a form.
On that form, I called it fmEmployeeFilter. I have a comb box, named
cboxEmployee (unbound), whose Row Source is a query I have made that
puts the employee's last name first & first name last. That form
also has two text boxes, txtStartDate and txtEndDate (both unbound)
formatted to short date. The form also has a command button (unbound)
named cmdOpenReport .
I took your code and edited to use my field/control names (see below)
and am having no luck. Any thoughts?
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptByEmployee", acViewPreview, ,"Employee = '" &
cboxEmployee & "' AND ObservationDate Between #" & txtStartDate & "#
and #" & txtEndDate & "#"
I am sorry this is so difficuly for me to get.
Rob Parker said:
I'm assuming that you've got a command button on your form to open
the report, using the entries in the form controls. The code I gave
you would go in the Click event of the button.
More detailed instructions, if you need them:
1. Drag a button from the toolbox onto your form. I'd normally
place this sort of button in the form footer, but if it's an unbound
form used only for entering the report's parameters, it doesn't
really matter where you put it. Give the button an appropriate
caption (which users will see) and an appropriate name (rather than
the default Commandx, where x is a number - I'd call it something
like cmdOpenReport); you set the Name of the button in the Other tab
of the property sheet.
2. With the button selected, move to the Event tab of the property
sheet, and double-click in the field to the right of the On Click
event. This will generate the entry "[Event Procedure]" in that
3. Click on the ellipsis (three dots) to the right of the field, to
open the VBA editor. You will find that you have a subroutine
"stub", with the following lines:
Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
End Sub
4. Place the code I suggested (modified to suit your field/control
names) between these lines.
vladi16 wrote:
When it comes to the code stufI am as green as it gets... Please
elaborate on exactly where that code goes....
Makes sense, and is not difficult.
Assuming that your controls for Starting Date and Ending Date are
named txtStartDate and txtEndDate (these should be unbound
controls), that your combobox is named cboxEmployee (also
unbound), that the Employee field is of text datatype, and that the
observation date field is a date/time field named ObservationDate,
the following should be sufficient:
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptByEmployee", acViewPreview, ,"Employee = '" &
cboxEmployee & "' AND ObservationDate Between #" & txtStartDate &
"# and #" & txtEndDate & "#"
Note the ' delimiters for the text field, and the # delimiters for
the two date/time fields. If the Employee field could contain a '
character (eg. a person named O'Hara), then replace the '
delimiters with a pair of double-quote characters. I'd also
include code to check that each control contains a valid entry
before opening the report, and/or include a default value (via an
nz function) if nothing is entered; eg. for the txtStartDate, use
something like: nz(txtStartDate,#01/01/1900#)
and for txtEndDate use something like:
to default to the current date.
Change acViewPreview to acViewNormal if you want to print the
report immediately, without previewing it. Change the names of
controls/fields to match your names.
If you run this code from the data entry form itself, rather than a
separate form whose only purpose is to provide the parameters for
the report, then you should probably include the following line
before opening the report: If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False
'save any pending edits
vladi16 wrote:
I have seen several posts which come close to explaining what I'd
like to do but nothing with the whole package... So here goes:
I have a form that I enter employee observations on that includes
the date of the observation and the employee's name. I have a
report (rptByEmployee) that I would like to have opened by a form
that would allow me to filter the observations by the employee's
name (combo box) and between two dates.
So basically, I need three fields on the form: Employee (combo
box), Starting Date, and Ending Date.
Does this make sense and is this enough info?