Using a Form as a Switchboard

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chip M
  • Start date Start date

Chip M

I am trying to build a start-up form that the person has
to click on a their disignated button, put in a password
and the next form it opens is filtered by that persons
files. Each employee will have their on button but i need
to be able for the database user to re-assign the buttons
to new employees if one an employee is replaced and not
see the person's files who is no longer there. I need to
do this with forms so that the database user can make
these changes without going into the code or design view.
I am new to ACCESS and very very new to VB so this may be
simple to fix or may not be possible, but any help would
be greatly appreciated, THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!

I would not create a button for each user. I would create
a user table with password for each user. The easiest way
is to have a hidden form that opens upon startup. On the
hidden form place a text field. When the application
opens, the hidden form will open and a signon screen. On
the signon scvreen you would have a combobox that has the
userID from your user table as its control source. On the
signon screen put a hidden text box. For the sake of this
post call it sysPassword. Have another visible text field
called userPassword. In the Afterupdate event for the
userID field put vba code which would look something like

dim db as database 'database object
dim rst as recordset 'record set object
dim sqlStr1 as string 'sql string

dim SelUserID ' selected user id

set db=currentDB


sqlStr1 = "Select password from users where userID='" &
selUserID & "';"

Note: the easiest way to write your sql string is to
create the query in the query building, then switch to SQL
view mode and copy the SQL code from there. Past it into
the VBA window.In VBA the userID value coming from the
form must be surrounded as follows '" & selUserID & "'.

When you create the query in the query builder, test it.
Make sure your user form is open in normal view and has a
user selected. If it brings back one user with the correct
information, your good to go.
'code continued

set rst=db.openrecordset(sqlStr1,dbopensnapshot)



set db=Nothing 'release memory for db and rst objects
set rst=Nothing

end sub

Place a button on the form using the wizard. In the
wizard, select open form and pick the next form you want
to open. After the wizard places the button on the form,
select the button (this is in design view still) and go to
the poperties page for the button. find the onClick event
and click on the elipses (...). This will open the VBA
window for the onclick event for this button. There should
already be code there to open the form you selected. The
wizard should have put a command that looks something like
the following:

DoCmd.OpenForm "YourForm"

Place before that command the following command:

if(Me!sysPassword=Me!selPassword) Then 'compare hidden
password field with what the user entered.

DoCmd.OpenForm "YourForm"


When you open the form (Docmd.Openform) you can use either
a filter which is a query created with the query builder
or you can use a Where condition. Either way, you should
be able to accomplish your task. I have personnaly had
more problems with the Where condition, but there is
probably something I am doing wrong consistently. I can
test the query and know it works.

Hope that helps! I know it's a lot to throw at you. If you
need more help, feel free to post back.
