I am writing a query from a table. This table pulls from a form that has an
age calculation in one field. This result does not store in the table, and I
have been told I need to create a new field in the query and insert this
calculation. When I put the calculation in the criteria field, it makes all
records vanish from the query. What am I doing wrong? In case it's helpful,
I'm including the sql view below:
SELECT Demographics.VRS, Demographics.SSN, Demographics.[Last Name],
Demographics.[First Name], Demographics.Phone, Demographics.Age,
Demographics.[Service Connection], Referral.[Scheduling Deadline],
Referral.[Consult Deadline], IT.[IT End Deadline], SE.[SE End Deadline],
TWE.[TWE End Deadline]
FROM (((Demographics INNER JOIN IT ON Demographics.SSN = IT.SSN) INNER JOIN
Referral ON Demographics.SSN = Referral.SSN) INNER JOIN SE ON
Demographics.SSN = SE.SSN) INNER JOIN TWE ON Demographics.SSN = TWE.SSN;
age calculation in one field. This result does not store in the table, and I
have been told I need to create a new field in the query and insert this
calculation. When I put the calculation in the criteria field, it makes all
records vanish from the query. What am I doing wrong? In case it's helpful,
I'm including the sql view below:
SELECT Demographics.VRS, Demographics.SSN, Demographics.[Last Name],
Demographics.[First Name], Demographics.Phone, Demographics.Age,
Demographics.[Service Connection], Referral.[Scheduling Deadline],
Referral.[Consult Deadline], IT.[IT End Deadline], SE.[SE End Deadline],
TWE.[TWE End Deadline]
FROM (((Demographics INNER JOIN IT ON Demographics.SSN = IT.SSN) INNER JOIN
Referral ON Demographics.SSN = Referral.SSN) INNER JOIN SE ON
Demographics.SSN = SE.SSN) INNER JOIN TWE ON Demographics.SSN = TWE.SSN;