users set their own password

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I borrowed the following code for creating a form that the user's can set
their own password on a newly secured database. I have many users set up
with no password and would like to give them the ability to change it
themselves but when I test the form I get an "Error 94 Invalid use of Null"

Here is the code on the form in the On_Click event of a button:

Private Sub cmdChangePassword_Click()
On Error Resume Next

If Me!txtNewPassword = Me!txtConfirmNewPassword Then
ChangeUserPassword DBEngine(0).UserName, _
Me!txtCurrentPassword, Me!txtNewPassword

If (Err <> 0) Then
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, _
"Could not change password"
End If
MsgBox "The new passwords do not match."
End If

End Sub

And here is the code in the Module:

'Change a user's password
Public Sub ChangeUserPassword(strUser As String, _
strOldPassword As String, strNewPassword As String)
Dim wrk As DAO.Workspace
Dim usr As DAO.User

Set wrk = DBEngine(0)
Set usr = wrk.Users(strUser)

'Change the password
usr.NewPassword strOldPassword, strNewPassword

Set usr = Nothing
Set wrk = Nothing
End Sub

I read threads about SetPassword but didn't see any supporting code samples.
Could someone please tell me where I am going wrong? Thank you so much.
have you stepped through the code to see exactly what line is triggering the
error? comment out the On Error Resume Next line, first.

Hi Tina-

I correct the On Error line and found the code is stopping at the following

ChangeUserPassword DBEngine(0).UserName, _
Me!txtCurrentPassword, Me!txtNewPassword

I have been reading up on this error but have not found a solution. I think
it is safe to assume the error is appearing because, at this point, all
passwords are blank since i just set the users up. If I set a password for a
user and use this form and code, it changes the password and everything works
great. I just need to know how to change the code to accept the initial null
value in the txtCurrentPassword field.

Any suggestions?
as Chris said, the problem is probably the Null value in txtCurrentPassword.

ChangeUserPassword DBEngine(0).UserName, _
Nz(Me!txtCurrentPassword, ""), Me!txtNewPassword
