David said:
Well, I guess I spoke too soon. I got the administrator changed to
'David', but 'Owner' stills shows up in Explorer.
You misunderstood the directions. Why would you change the built-in
Administrator name to David? Change it back. At this point you should only
have Owner and possibly see Administrator (built-in) if you have XP Pro.
Let's try this again, OK?
1. Go to the User Account applet in Control Panel. Create these new user
a. David
b. Tech
You should now have three user accounts: David, Tech, and Owner.
2. Log into David. Log off and into Tech.
3. Now go to C:\Documents and Settings. You should see All Users, Default
User, Tech, David, Owner (and possibly Administrator if you have XP Pro).
4. Copy files from Owner (the account which presumably is the one you've
been using for your daily work!):
a. In Windows Explorer, click Tools, click Folder Options, click the View
tab, click Show hidden files and folders, click to clear the Hide Protected
Operating System Files check box, and then click OK.
b. Locate the C:\Documents and Settings\Owner folder, double-click it to
open it.
c. Press and hold down the CTRL key while you click each file and subfolder
in this folder, except the following files:
* Ntuser.dat
* Ntuser.dat.log
* Ntuser.ini
d. On the Edit menu, click Copy.
e. Locate the C:\Documents and Settings\David folder, double-click it to
open it. On the Edit menu, click Paste.
Log off Tech and into David. All your stuff will be there. You will still
have to set your desktop wallpaper and perhaps make a few adjustments to
how you view files, etc. but essentially you will have copied Owner to
David. Go back to Folder Options>View and hide the Protected Operating
System Files again. I usually prefer to leave the other items visible.
Note: You must import your e-mail messages and addresses to the new user
profile before you delete the old profile. For additional information see
313055 OLEXP: Mail Folders, Address Book, and E-mail Messages Are Missing
After You Upgrade to Microsoft Windows XP
5. After you are sure everything is there in the David account, you can
delete the Owner account if you wish. I always prefer to keep at least one
extra user account with administrative privileges for emergencies so I
would keep Tech. If you are the sole user and would like to boot directly
into your account (go right to the Desktop), you can set automatic logon.
Configure Windows to Automatically Login (MVP Ramesh) -
All of the above takes far less time to do than it did to write it, so don't
be daunted. You can do it!