users can not use transitions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephen Bloomer
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Stephen Bloomer

our students have only limited access to the C Drive and
for some reason Movie Maker will not allow students to
access transitions. It also gives them problems with
importing pictures.
If I log in with Admin rights, all transitions are
available and work fine.
Any ideas on how I can get it all working for the students?
Hello there,

You need to make the directories available to the user group.

1) The easiest way of doing that is to drag the relevant folder into the
SHARED DOCUMENTS folder This is a folder specifically created within XP in
order to achieve what you want to do, but I have a feeling that won't work
properly in this case.

2) Mark the specific folders as accessible by all users. Right click the
directory, select properties then sharing and then Make Available On the

3) An alternative is to set up one a computer containing just the relevant
set-up...XP with SP2 and make that whole system the target machine for
running Movie Maker. Its not very elegant, its what I used to do with
certain programs on the network I managed....lots of spare machines were

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
by directories, do you mean C:\Program Files\Movie Maker ?
I can give them full rights to that folder, but is there
info in other folders that they need more access to?

It stilldoes not give them access to trans
-----Original Message-----
by directories, do you mean C:\Program Files\Movie Maker ?
I can give them full rights to that folder, but is there
info in other folders that they need more access to?

Hello there,

Can you describe with regard to Movie Maker, the network "setup" from a
terminal to server. Movie Maker is not a network aware program even though
it can access a networked drive, and of course, it is not a "server program"

If you are using the local copy (to each terminal) of Movie Maker and
cannot get the transitions, this is a known problem for some. As far as I
know Microsoft do not yet a solution to this issue.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
We are running a standard WK2 Server AD domain with XP
SP1a desktops (Although I have put SP2 on some to see if
the updated movie maker included with that helped - it
It is a standard local install for movie maker on each
machine. Is it worth copying the files to a server and
giving the users full control of the folder to see if that
at the moment, users have been given "Full Control" of the
C:\Program Files\Movie Maker folder which did not help.
It does improve if I make the "Domain Users" group a
member of the local "Administrators" group. But this is
not desirable as some of the kids like to hack a bit.

If it is a known problem we may have to look at other
software, but we have no funds, so that will be dificalt.
Try doing a test.

Remove a problem machine from the network. Not just unpplug it but remove it
from being a "member of Domain" to become member of Workgroup.

Now run it with one of the local limited account. Does it see the

If it does it means there exists a network group policy restriction that is
interfering. The network admin will have to go through all the unusual
restriction he/she has put in place and examine them.

If the above test results in limited account not able to see the transitions
then there is some installation problem. Reinstalling XP might help.

Rehan - get more effects and transitions for movie maker
Hello Stephen,


From your below message I am assuming that Movie Maker and all of its
files are accessed locally and the network as such has no part to play in
simply starting up Movie Maker and using it locally. Moving on from their I
assume that the common files (the source files AVI clips etc) are stored on
the server or on a machine acting as storage for those files and are perhaps
marked as read only. If that is the case (which it should be) then you have
the disappearing Transitions problem which as I mentioned earlier Microsoft
have not yet resolved (I believe)

If the above is not how you have it set up you will always have
problems. Movie Maker does not know about sharing files (project files or
collections for example) and if source files can be modified by one user all
the other users will receive error messages if they are also using that

You mention making the students user group part of the Admin group and
that then improves the problem. Not sure whether you are saying that the
transitions are then usable or not....BUT, its a clear indication that a
problem exists with the users rights and may indicate a re-evaluation of the
whole set-up with regard to access rights. I never used Win2K, I jumped
straight from NT to XP, so, is it possible that some management setting on
the server is affecting the access to local files??? I would have thought
not, because the management would likely fail if the server went
down.....Guessing now :)

Sorry the above has little in the way of positive information.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly