Windows XP users account driving me MAD

Nov 29, 2006
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i had some problems when i would try to install a program there would be a message like this : "error 1327 invalid drive e:" so use regedit command and i changed
My_Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\W indows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell_Folders

starting all by C:\ and the same in 'User_Shell_Folders' and i made them all start with C: like this C:my documents , C:my music .....

and all my documents changed location and now they are in C:\documents and settings\conchi\treblinka's documents , "conchi" is the name of the person that sold me the computer second hand, i already realised before that in c:documents and settings/ there was this folders :
all users , all users.WINDOWS , guest (i created this one), and this goddamned "conchi" folder and i couldnt rename it cause it says is a windows system folder and is needed for windows to run properly so for that reason i guess i cant delete it either, so when i made my treblinka account first time with all admin privileges it seemed that all went to that conchi folder also, so what is all this?¿?? i want to remove that folder I HATE CONCHI, please help me
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yes im using microssoft xp home edition, any idea how to kill conchi? and make my documents not go into that folder
right now after that regedit thing i go to start/my documents and its all empty , and i go to C:\my computer\treblinka's docuements and its all empty the only way to acces to my documents is to go to C:\docuemnts and setting\conchi\treblinka's docuements
I would try to copy that whole folder on same location as a backup. may be name "backup conchi" and try to delete the original one. if it doesn't let you delete may be try rnaming and deleting it.
i cannot copy the "conchi" folder cause it says "cannot copy NTUSER:It is being used by another person or program
try loogin in as different user

I know you have already created guest and treblinka account. Did yout try looging in as treblinka and copy the folder?

try also booting your computer in safe mode and copy the folder.
starting computer in safe mode:
hit F8 on boot and select Safe Mode.

if you get "access is denied" take ownership of the folder or file
you can use the following site to see step on taking ownership.;en-us;308421;en-us;308421
let me know if this help
im looged in treblinka when i try to copy the folder and it says i cant copy it cause that NUSER file is being used, and im the admin, there is no "conchi" user i dont know what that folder is, if i go to My computer i can see 3 folders:
-shared documents
-Treblinka's documents
-Guest's documents
, but then if i go to C:\Documents and settings i can see 4 folders:
-All Users
-All Users.WINDOWS
and inside conchi there is this folders:
-Treblinka's documents

i copied C:\documents and settings\conchi\Treblinka's documents to C:\my computer\Treblinka's documents

i dont know what that conchi person managed to do so i cant delete that stupid folder but i guess i will just ignore it cause it seems not harmful
it seems like you said you copied C:\document and settings\counchi\treblinka's document to c:\my computer\treblinna's documet right?
why is treblinka's document in counchi folder? (C:\document and settings\counchi\treblinka's document ). That does not look right.
anyway i think i know why you were not able to delete counchi folder.
If i am not wrong you don't have administrator folder under C:\document and setting\
This counchi is that administrator folder that is why you see that "startmenu" "windows" and so on folder but when you look at your profile you don't see these folder.
this is why you are not being able to delete , copy or rename.

here is my suggestion. create one account (may be delete your account "Treblinka's).
create it by following below step
open Control Panel from the Start menu, and then double click User Accounts.
Click Create a new account in the Pick a task list box.
Type the name that you want to use for the account, and then click Next.
Select the desired account type (this is were you will chose administrator as account type), and then click Create Account.
reboot the computer and log in as that new user account. now try to delete that counchi folder
see if this work
good luck
NOTE: by the way before i delete i would copy that counchi folder to same place by right clicking on the folder and click on copy. right click again on the empty space and click paste again. just to have a back up.