
  • Thread starter Thread starter Frédérick Jacquet
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Frédérick Jacquet


I need to write a custom sync engine between Outlook 2003 SP2 and our CRM
application. I want to use contact / task UserProperties for storing some
data and need to retreive data filtering on UserProperties
1) How can i check that my userproperties are created in the folder ?
2) If my userProperties are not created, how can i create them
programaticaly ?

Set oProp = olApp.UserProperties.Add("prop_name", olText, True)

Set the type and names to what you want. Set True to add the property to the
folder fields.

If you add a user property to a folder it creates a hidden message in that
folder with a MessageClass of IPC.MS.REN.USERFIELDS. In that hidden message
is a MAPI property PR_USERFIELDS, a PT_BINARY property with a property tag
of 0x36E30102. That property has the name or names of all user properties
added to the fields of that folder.

You will need to use an API such as CDO 1.21 or Extended MAPI or Redemption
(, or Outlook 2007, to be able to access the
hidden messages collection of the folder and that MAPI property.