Hi can some one please help
I am using a xcopy command as follow
xcopy c:\admin z:\%username% /y
this is not the probleme but i have a user that is juanb but then it saves
his stuff under his username juanb but the probleme is i have his name under
the z: as Juan Bredenkamp now is there a way i can do this by entering maby
%firstename% & %lastname% or %fullusername% maybe
there is to many users that i have to change on our z:\ if i whant to use
there usernames as the directory
i would rather use there full names that the "AD" has it is just a matter of
reading it out
example xcopy c:\admin z:\%fullname% /y
please help
I am using a xcopy command as follow
xcopy c:\admin z:\%username% /y
this is not the probleme but i have a user that is juanb but then it saves
his stuff under his username juanb but the probleme is i have his name under
the z: as Juan Bredenkamp now is there a way i can do this by entering maby
%firstename% & %lastname% or %fullusername% maybe
there is to many users that i have to change on our z:\ if i whant to use
there usernames as the directory
i would rather use there full names that the "AD" has it is just a matter of
reading it out
example xcopy c:\admin z:\%fullname% /y
please help