UserName login code



I am having difficulties coming up with a code for login purposes. I would
like to not use the built-in workbook password. I would like to use a code
in a userform that would verify with each individual user's
username/password. Then, after the un/pw is accepted, the code would allow
them access designated according to their login.

-User 1 would login and have full administrative rights to the workbook.
-User 2 would login and have only full read/limited write access.
-User 3 would login and have full read/no write access.
-User 4 would have limited read/no write access.

Am I in too far over my head trying to set this up in Excel? Top-Notch
security for the UN/PW is not essential as I work with a bunch of idiots ;)

Can someone lead me in the right direction? TYIA


Robin Hammond


The general approach is this.

1. Hide all sheets from code using xlveryhidden except one that has a
notification that you have to have macros enabled to use the workbook.'
2. Prompt for a login and verify against a list stored in a hidden sheet if
this is only for a small number of users.
3. Unhide the various sheets needed by the different user tiers.


1. Disabling macros means that none of your login code will run.
2. Anyone with half an idea and the ability to use vba can unhide your
hidden sheets.

Robin Hammond

Tom Ogilvy

If they disable macros, any macro based solution is Kaput. Even idiots can
figure that out.

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