I used the attached code which is for open Username and password form.(taken
from: http://www.databasedev.co.uk/login.html) but there is one more
something i would like to do it. I want to add a filed in tblEmployees table
which is called Struserforms which uses to filled up with form name.
Moreover, the employee can see the form which is specified for him once he
login .
For example:
User: shaham0v can see form1
User: shaham1v can see form 2
And so on
The tblEmployees contains:
lngEmpID, strEmpName, stremppassword , straccess,
and the code is
Option Compare Database
Private intLogonAttempts As Integer
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'On open set focus to combo box
End Sub
Private Sub cboEmployee_AfterUpdate()
'After selecting user name set focus to password field
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
'Check to see if data is entered into the UserName combo box
If IsNull(Me.cboEmployee) Or Me.cboEmployee = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if data is entered into the password box
If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Password.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check value of password in tblEmployees to see if this matches value chosen
in combo box
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("strEmpPassword", "tblEmployees",
"[lngEmpID]=" & Me.cboEmployee.Value) Then
lngMyEmpID = Me.cboEmployee.Value
'Close logon form and open splash screen
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogon", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSplash_Screen"
MsgBox "Password Invalid. Please Try Again", vbOKOnly, "Invalid
End If
'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown
intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1
If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this database. Please contact
your system administrator.", vbCritical, "Restricted Access!"
End If
End Sub
I used the attached code which is for open Username and password form.(taken
from: http://www.databasedev.co.uk/login.html) but there is one more
something i would like to do it. I want to add a filed in tblEmployees table
which is called Struserforms which uses to filled up with form name.
Moreover, the employee can see the form which is specified for him once he
login .
For example:
User: shaham0v can see form1
User: shaham1v can see form 2
And so on
The tblEmployees contains:
lngEmpID, strEmpName, stremppassword , straccess,
and the code is
Option Compare Database
Private intLogonAttempts As Integer
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'On open set focus to combo box
End Sub
Private Sub cboEmployee_AfterUpdate()
'After selecting user name set focus to password field
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
'Check to see if data is entered into the UserName combo box
If IsNull(Me.cboEmployee) Or Me.cboEmployee = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if data is entered into the password box
If IsNull(Me.txtPassword) Or Me.txtPassword = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a Password.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If
'Check value of password in tblEmployees to see if this matches value chosen
in combo box
If Me.txtPassword.Value = DLookup("strEmpPassword", "tblEmployees",
"[lngEmpID]=" & Me.cboEmployee.Value) Then
lngMyEmpID = Me.cboEmployee.Value
'Close logon form and open splash screen
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmLogon", acSaveNo
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmSplash_Screen"
MsgBox "Password Invalid. Please Try Again", vbOKOnly, "Invalid
End If
'If User Enters incorrect password 3 times database will shutdown
intLogonAttempts = intLogonAttempts + 1
If intLogonAttempts > 3 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this database. Please contact
your system administrator.", vbCritical, "Restricted Access!"
End If
End Sub