Todd Huttenstine
I have a userform that contains ComboBox1, TextBox1,
TextBox2, TextBox3, CheckBox1, CheckBox2, and CheckBox3.
Sheet4 contains all the data that the controls of the
userform will use. The values in combobox1 are being
pulled from range M2:M100 on sheet4. There are 3 more
ranges of data corresponding to this range. These are:
Range P2100(the value in Textbox1 will come from this
range), Range Q2:Q100(the value in Textbox2 will come from
this range), and Range R2:R100(the value in Textbox3 will
come from this range.) Here how the code needs to work.
The user will select a value from the combobox. Whatever
value the user selects, I need for the code to look in the
other 3 ranges and pull the corresponding value from those
ranges and populate the 3 textboxes.
Thank you in advance
Todd Huttenstine
TextBox2, TextBox3, CheckBox1, CheckBox2, and CheckBox3.
Sheet4 contains all the data that the controls of the
userform will use. The values in combobox1 are being
pulled from range M2:M100 on sheet4. There are 3 more
ranges of data corresponding to this range. These are:
Range P2100(the value in Textbox1 will come from this
range), Range Q2:Q100(the value in Textbox2 will come from
this range), and Range R2:R100(the value in Textbox3 will
come from this range.) Here how the code needs to work.
The user will select a value from the combobox. Whatever
value the user selects, I need for the code to look in the
other 3 ranges and pull the corresponding value from those
ranges and populate the 3 textboxes.
Thank you in advance
Todd Huttenstine