I have created a couple userform the calculate a formula,
based on inputed info from the user. In certain situations
the answer needs to be a Dollar value and in others the
calculated number only needs to display 4 numbers past the
decimal point.
How do I cange this code to reflect the two seperate
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
sStr = "#" & Trim(TextBox1) & "#" & Trim(TextBox2) & "#" &
_ Trim(TextBox3) & "#" & Trim(TextBox4) & "#"
sStr1 = Application.Substitute(Application.Substitute
(sStr, "#", ""), ".", "")
If InStr(sStr, "##") = 0 And IsNumeric(sStr1) Then
TextBox5 = (CDbl(TextBox1) * CDbl(TextBox2)) / (CDbl
(TextBox3) * CDbl(TextBox4) * 12)
End If
End Sub
Any help is better than what I got.
Pete W
based on inputed info from the user. In certain situations
the answer needs to be a Dollar value and in others the
calculated number only needs to display 4 numbers past the
decimal point.
How do I cange this code to reflect the two seperate
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
sStr = "#" & Trim(TextBox1) & "#" & Trim(TextBox2) & "#" &
_ Trim(TextBox3) & "#" & Trim(TextBox4) & "#"
sStr1 = Application.Substitute(Application.Substitute
(sStr, "#", ""), ".", "")
If InStr(sStr, "##") = 0 And IsNumeric(sStr1) Then
TextBox5 = (CDbl(TextBox1) * CDbl(TextBox2)) / (CDbl
(TextBox3) * CDbl(TextBox4) * 12)
End If
End Sub
Any help is better than what I got.
Pete W