This code sort of works in my userform
Sub checkboxDG_Change(
With Me.checkboxD
If Me.checkboxDG.value = True The
strDG = "DG
Me.FrameDG.obReqDG.Enabled = Tru
Me.FrameDG.obOptDG.Enabled = Tru
Me.checkboxDG = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obReqDG.value = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obOptDG.value = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obReqDG.Enabled = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obOptDG.Enabled = Fals
End I
End Wit
If obReqDG = True Then strDGtype = olRequire
If obOptDG = True Then strDGtype = olOptiona
End Su
The problem is that if the checkbox is turned on then off any of the information is loas tnad never gets moved to another routine thus I end up with no data in the strings. Why is this happening. It seems that it only happens when the checkbox gets turned on then off. The data is supposed to be carried over to this part
If strDG = "" The
GoTo line
Set myRequiredAttendee = myitem.Recipients.Add(strDG
myRequiredAttendee.Type = strDGtyp
End I
but this does not always work. I have made the strDG and strDGtype Public as strings. I am really stummped. The original goal was to disable the option buttons if the checkbox is false and if the checkbox is true then the option buttons can be selected.
Sub checkboxDG_Change(
With Me.checkboxD
If Me.checkboxDG.value = True The
strDG = "DG
Me.FrameDG.obReqDG.Enabled = Tru
Me.FrameDG.obOptDG.Enabled = Tru
Me.checkboxDG = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obReqDG.value = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obOptDG.value = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obReqDG.Enabled = Fals
Me.FrameDG.obOptDG.Enabled = Fals
End I
End Wit
If obReqDG = True Then strDGtype = olRequire
If obOptDG = True Then strDGtype = olOptiona
End Su
The problem is that if the checkbox is turned on then off any of the information is loas tnad never gets moved to another routine thus I end up with no data in the strings. Why is this happening. It seems that it only happens when the checkbox gets turned on then off. The data is supposed to be carried over to this part
If strDG = "" The
GoTo line
Set myRequiredAttendee = myitem.Recipients.Add(strDG
myRequiredAttendee.Type = strDGtyp
End I
but this does not always work. I have made the strDG and strDGtype Public as strings. I am really stummped. The original goal was to disable the option buttons if the checkbox is false and if the checkbox is true then the option buttons can be selected.