Paola said:
I deleted a user account, but it said that it's files
weren't going to be deleted, and they were! Is there any
way of retrieving my documents?
Are you sure they were deleted or are they just hidden or inaccessible?
Make sure you are logged on with administrator privileges.
Open Windows Explorer and select Tools/Folder Options/View Tab, from the
toolbar. Look through the optuions there.
Place a check mark in these 2 options:
Display the contents of system folders.
Show hidden files and folders.
Remove the check mark from these 2 options:
Hide extensions for known file types.
Hide protected operating system files.
Click Apply/OK.
Now, navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>
(Where "<user name>" is the account that you removed.)
to see if the files still exist.
If they are still there, you will need to Take Ownership of the files to
access them. The following article guide you in taking ownership of these
files and folders.
HOW TO: Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP
Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User
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