I've got an agent event listed in the activity log that I'd
like to reverse but it doesn't appear to be listed in the
blocked events dialog box.
The event log lists it as follows:
"User Shell Folders alert
Occured on: 7/04/2005 at 6:47:28 PM
The user xxxxxxx, has decided to prevent a change to the
user's defined shell folders from Startup to
%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup."
Any ideas where or how I can either reset this or get MSAS
to prompt me again? I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling
the application but I'm still unable to access my
(redirected) start menu.
like to reverse but it doesn't appear to be listed in the
blocked events dialog box.
The event log lists it as follows:
"User Shell Folders alert
Occured on: 7/04/2005 at 6:47:28 PM
The user xxxxxxx, has decided to prevent a change to the
user's defined shell folders from Startup to
%USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Startup."
Any ideas where or how I can either reset this or get MSAS
to prompt me again? I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling
the application but I'm still unable to access my
(redirected) start menu.