User section GPO those not apply to Windows XP SP1


Aug 22, 2005
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Hi all,

I'm having trouble applying a User GPO to Windows XP SP1. It works fine with Windows 2000 SP4 and Windows XP SP2.

We have a Windows 2000 AD that has a one way trust to another AD where all user accounts are located. All computer accounts are located in the first AD. The two AD's are located in two different Forests.

When I log on to a Windows XP SP1 computer with a user located in the second AD the User GPO section just won't apply. But if I do the same thing with a Windows 2000 SP4 or a Windows XP SP2 computer it works just fine, it is very strange. Just for fun I created a user account in the first AD and then used that account to log on to my Windows XP SP1 machine and that worked, all GPO's where applied successfully. So there must be some permission problem when using a user located in a different AD together with Windows XP SP1.

Is there anyone out there who can help me with this?

P.S There are no events in the Event log indicating a problem