User rights using orgasation wizard

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I have a question considering user rights once creating organisation chart in office. Office version 2000 requires that user who wants to crate a orgasation chart belongs to power users group. Is that true and has this issue been fixed in Office2003 so that normal user rights are enough


Actually, your users don't have to be power users to use Org Chart in Office
2000. They just have to have read/write permissions (but not delete
permissions) on a couple of specific files. See;EN-US;Q218571 for

Office 2003 uses a diagramming applet thing instead of Org Chart, and the
users don't need any special permissions for it. However, if you have lots
of 2000 Org Charts, you may have problems with some of them converting, so
you may need to load the old Org Chart onto some systems... MS has a
download for that if you get to that point.

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

timpuri said:

I have a question considering user rights once creating organisation chart
in office. Office version 2000 requires that user who wants to crate a
orgasation chart belongs to power users group. Is that true and has this
issue been fixed in Office2003 so that normal user rights are enough?
Hi Ech

Thanks for your answer. So if we have problems with org charts from office2000 we need to install certain program beside office2003 to be able to use office2000 org charts

Yes, that's correct, timpuri.

Here is a kb article which explains the process and has a link to the download.;en-us;826835 This article isn't worded very well, but what it's trying to say is that you can download and install this Org Chart Package File to allow your users to edit existing (old style) Org Charts in PPT 2003.

If you install this, you'll have to make sure to give your users read/write (but not delete) permissions on the prefs files as we discussed earlier in the thread.