User Profiles - Updating Components?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Niall
  • Start date Start date


I've had a series of problems tonight [with Windows XP Home] and have
used the microsoft help topics and newsgroup advice to fix all of them
....apart from one. I'm completely stuck!!

At first, my startup screen (the light-blue one) was looping. The
computer wasn't restarting so I followed out the instructions on the
Microsoft website. After I renamed several files in the system32
directory, I could access windows again. However, my desktop icons
were gone and nothing worked - it was almost as if there had been a
fresh install of Windows. Regrettably, I didn't have any restore
points to go back to.

I then found advice on how to repair damaged user profiles. I created
a new profile and copied the relevant files into it. This brought back
my desktop icons and 'My Documents' folder etc. but my programs still
don't work. I'm getting an error message saying that a necessary file
is not available. Nonetheless, when I try a standard search, the file
turns up in a 'common' directory.

I've backed up all of my documents now but don't know how to proceed.
I would therefore be extremely grateful for any advice!!

In essence, I think that I need to somehow update the link between the
programs and their 'common files' so that they know where to find
them. I really don't know how to begin doing that!

The problem began when I installed the trial version of Norton
Anti-Virus. I didn't like the look of some of the registry
modifications (flagged up by Ad-Aware) so I rejected one or two of
them. I shouldn't have done that!!

Is it possible to repair my programs without re-installing everything?
Please help!

I, and I think others on different threads, had the same problem right after
getting the most recent windows updates. I also got Adobe Acro Reader 7,
and run AdAware. After restarting it gave me an error message (didn't record
it - corrupt profile or something?) then a brand spanking new admistrator
profile. I'm running 2000 pro. I also got Adobe Acro Reader 7, and run
AdAware. I found the administrator.bak folder but don't know how to restore
it. Any ideas?

I've decided to just re-format the drive (the computer was a mess

I was hoping to be able to clone another computer using sysprep but it
says on the Microsoft website that the mass storage controllers must
be the same. The other computer uses a new SATA HD so I don't think
that it's suitable. In addition, the secondary HD must be larger than
the first (not the case since I was hoping to clone from a more recent
