Ron M
We have created several profiles with admin. rights on a
local machine , which are all being saved properly. When
domain access profiles are created they are not saved. The
proper folders are created in the proper place, which you
can see if you explore while logged on to the domain, but
they do not stay in place they just disappear. After
logging off & back on as another user, the folders for the
previously created profile are gone. Each time the user
logs on to the domain, it is as if they are logging on for
the first time. The only exception is the administrator
account, it is saved properly.
local machine , which are all being saved properly. When
domain access profiles are created they are not saved. The
proper folders are created in the proper place, which you
can see if you explore while logged on to the domain, but
they do not stay in place they just disappear. After
logging off & back on as another user, the folders for the
previously created profile are gone. Each time the user
logs on to the domain, it is as if they are logging on for
the first time. The only exception is the administrator
account, it is saved properly.