Here is a vb6 application module script that you can place
int the users profile\start menu\programs\startup forlder
set the default printer at logon.
Paste this code in a module in VB6, and compile an .exe
Public Sub Main()
' 'Debug.Print Printers(0).Name
' Dim i As Integer
' For i = 0 To Printers.Count - 1
' Debug.Print Printers(i).DeviceName
' Next i
' End
' Stop
Dim net As Object
'Add delay for auto-client created printers to map.
Wait (5)
Set net = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
'Sets the name of the default printer to choose / change
{dns} {printername}
'Name must be exact. DNS can be an IP if you don't have a
DNS registered.
net.SetDefaultPrinter "\\http://{DNS}\{printername}"
Set net = Nothing
End Sub
Function Wait(Delay As Long)
Dim DelayEnd As Double
DelayEnd = DateAdd("s", Delay, Now)
While DateDiff("s", Now, DelayEnd) > 0
End Function
good luck