James W. Long
system: xp home
machine name: jennifer
profile named: jennifer\dianne
profile stored at c:\documents and settings\dianne
user account is jennifer.
machine used to be named dianne. was renamed to jennifer.
dianne used to log in on this pc but pc was moved. now jennifer logs in
some things still show up as dianne even tho user account is jennifer.
we dont want the dianne account or her user profile on this machine anymore.
how can we make the profile "jennifer", stored at c:\documents and
(we can rename machine if thats the problem.)
in user profiles, we cant copy dianne to jennier. its grayed out.
thank you in advance,
James Long
machine name: jennifer
profile named: jennifer\dianne
profile stored at c:\documents and settings\dianne
user account is jennifer.
machine used to be named dianne. was renamed to jennifer.
dianne used to log in on this pc but pc was moved. now jennifer logs in
some things still show up as dianne even tho user account is jennifer.
we dont want the dianne account or her user profile on this machine anymore.
how can we make the profile "jennifer", stored at c:\documents and
(we can rename machine if thats the problem.)
in user profiles, we cant copy dianne to jennier. its grayed out.
thank you in advance,
James Long