User Profile with "Backup" Status

  • Thread starter Thread starter Benjamin Carleski
  • Start date Start date

Benjamin Carleski

I have a small domain for use at home. It has about 5 users on it,
basically my family. I have a seperate domain controller, a seperate
email and web server, and then a regular PC. Recently on the regular
PC, when my wife or brother-in-law tries to sign in, the computer says
that it can't load their profile and will use a temporary profile.
Nothing has changed with their profile, they have and have been using
a local profile forever. However, when I log into my account (which
loads its local profile just fine), and go to Control
Panel->System->Advanced->User Profiles, I see their local accounts
listed with a status of Backup. All the local accounts are listed,
including mine, with a Type of Local and a Status of Local, except for
theirs. Their two accounts are listed with a Type of Local and a
Status of Backup. I can't figure out what this means or how to fix it
so that they can access their accounts. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you,

Benjamin Carleski