User Profile Problem


Brian Wagerer

I have a Windows XP Pro machine with 3 users.
One of the users profile is acting very strange.
Just about every other day when the user logs in they get the following
error messages.

"Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this
error include insufficent security rights or a corrupt local profile. If
this problem persists, contact you program network administrator."

"Windows cannot load the users profile, but has logged you on with the
default profile for the system.
The parameter is incorrect."

This does not happen all the time, just every other day.
I have deleted the user and recreated the user 2 times already and still
getting this error.
This error does NOT happen to any of the other users on the system.

Anyone have any ideas?


I have a similar problem. I've also deleted the users many times and
recreated it but the problem continues.


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