I lost a user account. In my UserProfies I see "Account Unknown" and it
is grayed out so I can not copy its settings to a new user.
I really wanted the data from "My Documents" under this account but I
can not see it using the Search or Explorer. I searched the regedit
for the Sids and I DONT see "Account Unknown" under "profileimagepath"
but I expected that. I see an account labeled: "My Name" and "My
Name.OFFICE" where Office is my computer name. I do see that in the
explorer but the my doccuments folder is empty.
Can I do a more powerful search for that data I need? The "Account
Unknown" user profile is 3.8 GB big so there has to be something
somewhere I hope.
is grayed out so I can not copy its settings to a new user.
I really wanted the data from "My Documents" under this account but I
can not see it using the Search or Explorer. I searched the regedit
for the Sids and I DONT see "Account Unknown" under "profileimagepath"
but I expected that. I see an account labeled: "My Name" and "My
Name.OFFICE" where Office is my computer name. I do see that in the
explorer but the my doccuments folder is empty.
Can I do a more powerful search for that data I need? The "Account
Unknown" user profile is 3.8 GB big so there has to be something
somewhere I hope.