User names and My Computer

  • Thread starter Thread starter David
  • Start date Start date


I recently changed my user name to David and now when I
open My Computer "David's Documents" is no longer there.
Share Documents and the folders for an other guest user
are there but not mine. I'm afraid that I deleleted the
registration entries whilst experimenting.

Please can anyone explain how to get the folder back.
Obviously the folder and files are still on the hard
drive but I have to go through explorer to access them.

Thanks in advance.

Hi David,

Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:


Add the following registry value, and then quit Registry Editor:

Value name: user name
Data type: REG_SZ
Value data: user profile\My Documents

Replace the user name and user profile environment variables with the
literal values for each user who logs on to the computer.

NOTE: In each user's My Documents folder and subfolders, open the
Desktop.ini files and modify the Owner value under the "DeleteOnCopy"
section to match the user name.

Registry Edits, Tips and Tricks for XP