Ok, I'm confussed about the workaround. I've gotten the cookie gen page working (after I figured out that I needed to remove the semicolon in the window.navigate method) but I'm still having a problem with the DAP page. I've added the VBscript to the top of the <HEAD> section and in the VBscript there is a "Document.MSODSC.ConnectionString"
Do I need to do anything to the <a:ConnectionString> in the XML object, MSODSC, that Access 2002 created when I made the DAP? (I think it's a XML object. It begins with <OBJECT id=MSODSC tabIndex=-1 classid=CLSID:0002E553-0000-0000-C000-000000000046 VIEWASTEXT><PARAM NAME="XMLData" ...)
I'm not getting any error messages but I'm not getting any data as well
----- Eric Butts [MSFT] wrote: ----
It's possible that you are running into a known issue within Microsoft
Access 2002. Thereby, try the following as a workaround
Place the workgroup information file in the Extended Properties property in
connection string
Extended Properties=Jet OLEDB:System
Since the user will not be automatically prompted, create a second htm
file called
authenticate.htm. This page has two text boxes (one is a password type
text box).
One text box is for user id and one is for the password. The command
button on the
page writes two cookies and opens the data access page. Then, on the data
page, read the cookies into the connection string. ( code is similar to
that found
in 253976 ).
The following script was added to the data access page in the HEAD section
of the
<SCRIPT language="VBScript"
Function readCookie(strVariableName
Dim intLocatio
Dim intNameLengt
Dim intValueLengt
Dim intNextSemicolo
Dim strTem
' Calculate length and location of variable name
intNameLength = Len(strVariableName
intLocation = Instr(Document.Cookie, strVariableName
strTemp = Right(Document.Cookie, Len(Document.Cookie) - intLocation + 1
' Find the position of the next semicolon
intNextSemicolon = Instr(strTemp, ";"
' If not found, assume you are at the end
If intNextSemicolon = 0 Then
intNextSemicolon = Len(strTemp) +
End I
intValueLength = intNextSemicolon - intNameLength -
If intValueLength=-1 the
readCookie = Mid(strTemp, intNameLength + 2, intValueLength
End I
End Functio
Document.MSODSC.ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" &
";Data Source=C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\Databases\db1.mdb" & _
";User ID=" & readCookie("pUserID") &
";Password=" & readCookie("pPWD") &
";Extended Properties=Jet OLEDB:System
database=C:\inetpub\wwwroot\databases\test.mdw" &
";Mode=Share Deny None" &
";Persist Security Info=False
Authenticate.htm contains the following HTML and script
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Authenticate User</TITLE><SCRIPT language="VBScript"
Sub writeCookie(strVariableName, varVariableValue
Document.Cookie = strVariableName & "=" & varVariableValu
End Su
Sub openDAP(
Dim varUserID
Dim varPWD
varUserID = document.all.txtUserID.valu
varPWD = document.all.txtPWD.valu
writeCookie "pUserID", varUserI
writeCookie "pPWD", varPW
'change "servername" to the name of your server
End Su
</SCRIPT></HEAD><BODY><FORM id="form1"><TABLE><TR><TD>User Name:</TD><TD><input type="text" name="txtUserID" size="20"></TD></TR><TR><TD>Password:</TD><TD><input type="password" name="txtPWD" size="20"></TD></TR></TABLE><P><input type="button" value="Open DAP
name="B2" onClick="openDAP()"></P></FORM></BODY></HTML
I hope this helps! If you have additional questions on this topic, please
respond back to this posting.
Eric Butts
Microsoft Access Support
(e-mail address removed)
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| Thread-Topic: User Level Security and Data Access Pages
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| Subject: User Level Security and Data Access Pages
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| Hi Guys,
I'm having a problem getting User Level Authentication to work for a Data
Access Page.
I have managed to get the page to work without any security in a Three Tier
configuration and I am now working on securing it. I am attempting to use
the User Level Authentication features of Access to secure the database. I
have the Jet OLEDB setting for System database set to the file path of the
workgroup information file and in Access design mode, it works (before I
set "UseRemoteProvider" to True).
I'm not getting a prompt for user name and password when the DAP tries to
connect to the database. It acts as if it is trying to use an account to
log onto the database but the username and/or password is not in the
I currently have IIS setup for Anonymous Access to the page. Changing it
does not prompt me for the Database security.
Also, if I looked at the code of the Data Access Page, I can find the user
id for the account I used for the test connection in MS Access design mode.
I have changed this and done some editing of the ODC file and most of the
time I get an "Data Provider Failed While Executing a provider command"
followed by a "you do not have the necessary permissions" for the mdb file.
If I set a password for the database, I do get a password prompt but it
will not accept the correct password.
Any ideas as to where the problem is?