User Defined Worksheet Functions?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brad
  • Start date Start date


Can I compose a function in VBA and refer to it in a

Let's say A1 has the text: "aja,ajsd," and I want to use a
formula to call the function I've created:
or perhaps qualifying it more? =Module1.ParseComma(A1)
to return "ajaajsd" to the field?

If I can't, why not? Can Add-ins do it?

Thanks for the info.


PS: I'm not interested in a solution to parse a comma, but
thanks. :)
Yes you can do exactly what you have described.

Did you try it and get a problem then ?

By the way, an add-in is just another workbook where there are no visible
worksheets, it can have functions subs and even data as any other worksheet.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Sure. Open VB editor (Alt F11 or similar). menu Insert > Module. Then type something like

Function RemoveStuff(FromWhat As String, _
RemoveWhat As String) As String
RemoveStuff = Replace$(FromWhat, RemoveWhat, "")
End Function

(Note all the declarations, here all As String)

Then return to a worksheet. In A1 type ABCD. In B1 type
You'll also find it under Insert > Function > category Custom or User Defined.