Depending on exactly what your Users want, you may be able to satisfy
their needs in another way. Consider the following skeleton -
Create Tables as follows
Prikey AutoIncrement {I always have arbitrary AutoIncrement Primary
InfoCategory Text(30) {Client Information "Field" name}
DateAdded DateTime
Active Boolean
PriKey AutoIncrement
Client_Pointer Long Integer {linked to PriKey of Client Table}
Category_Pointer Long Integer {linked to PriKey of Category
Info_Contents Text(255) {Client Information "Contents"}
To create a new "field", the User adds (using an appropriate Form) a
corresponding record to tblInfoCategories and marks it Active.
Your main Data entry form contains a subform which allows information
to be entered in tblMiscData for the current Client record and any/all
active Categories.
It's a non-profit organization that has to collect information on its clients
for the government. The info they collect changes from year to year, & they
want to be able to add fields to collect other info based on the government's
whims. I feel the same as you you, but I thought I'd better check just to be
Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher