I hope this explains the problem. If not, I will try to go into more detail.
We are trying to use Outlook for both email contacts and printed
address/phone book. If the contacts list is open, I can go to View | Current
View | Detailed Address Cards then choose print from the file menu and have a
hard copy of the contacts list. To add our custom fields to the Detailed
Address Card View, I have gone to View | Arrange by | Current View |
Customize Current View | Fields | New Fields then added the custom fields. I
have been able to print the contacts in this way, but at some point the
folder will not open because it is full.
Do we need an address book program instead of using outlook? I think I read
somewhere that Outlook used to have a personal address book, but I have not
been able to find that feature in 2003. Also, if it doesn't allow an
unlimited number of custom fields, it would not help this problem.