I would like to add a field in one of my Task folders. That field
would indicate an part's location on one of many inventory shelves in
the storage building. Each row of shelves is labeled with a letter or
number. For example, we have: Rows 1-16 and rows A through J. The
rows A through J are the first rows as you enter the building. Then
rows 1 through 16 follow the row J. So row A is the first row in the
building and row 16 is the last row in the building.
I have added a field in my Task folder that indicates the row ID, but
Outlook only seems to let me format the row ID field as text. That
seems to be a problem.
When the field is formatted as text then the sorting function the Task
Manager gets messed up. After sorting the rows 10-16 come before rows
Can anyone suggest a way that I can create fields in Tasks to sort the
fields correctly?
(I can not the row ID labeling system that is used in the building)
would indicate an part's location on one of many inventory shelves in
the storage building. Each row of shelves is labeled with a letter or
number. For example, we have: Rows 1-16 and rows A through J. The
rows A through J are the first rows as you enter the building. Then
rows 1 through 16 follow the row J. So row A is the first row in the
building and row 16 is the last row in the building.
I have added a field in my Task folder that indicates the row ID, but
Outlook only seems to let me format the row ID field as text. That
seems to be a problem.
When the field is formatted as text then the sorting function the Task
Manager gets messed up. After sorting the rows 10-16 come before rows
Can anyone suggest a way that I can create fields in Tasks to sort the
fields correctly?
(I can not the row ID labeling system that is used in the building)