I've taken a button component and extended it's functionality by adding a
couple small methods and properties. This control is contained within my
project tree and has been used on various locations of my form. Now, I want
to add another property to the control. In doing so I had hoped that this
change would have been propagated to the older controls, however, it's only
showing up in a control that's placed on the form for the first time. How
do I make the change propagate to the other controls without deleting and
replacing them?
I've taken a button component and extended it's functionality by adding a
couple small methods and properties. This control is contained within my
project tree and has been used on various locations of my form. Now, I want
to add another property to the control. In doing so I had hoped that this
change would have been propagated to the older controls, however, it's only
showing up in a control that's placed on the form for the first time. How
do I make the change propagate to the other controls without deleting and
replacing them?