Due to my winxp problem I had to reinstall a new one on
my old windows and during setup surprisingly asked me to
create administration account and I do so, but after
logon there was just a new administration account and my
own old user account disappeared. under this new account
I don't have access to my C:\Documents and Settings\my
old account because I made it private... what terrible
thing I lost nearly every things.. My documents..
Photos.. E-mails.. password.. but my other programs are
doing as usual.. So I try to make account with my old
user name.. but while try to log on it say"The local
policy of this system does not permit you to logon
interactively" but it is not remote computer.. it is my
computer!!!!! what Microsoft saying about this error
didn't work... I had my worse period of time during last
week .. is there any way to repair it?
my first priority is to log on under my old account but
if I can access the C:\Documents and Settings\my old
somehow it would be a great things..
please note that now I logon under my new administration
and my hard format is NTFS..
any idea pleeeeeeeeeeeesea to (e-mail address removed) thanks!
my old windows and during setup surprisingly asked me to
create administration account and I do so, but after
logon there was just a new administration account and my
own old user account disappeared. under this new account
I don't have access to my C:\Documents and Settings\my
old account because I made it private... what terrible
thing I lost nearly every things.. My documents..
Photos.. E-mails.. password.. but my other programs are
doing as usual.. So I try to make account with my old
user name.. but while try to log on it say"The local
policy of this system does not permit you to logon
interactively" but it is not remote computer.. it is my
computer!!!!! what Microsoft saying about this error
didn't work... I had my worse period of time during last
week .. is there any way to repair it?
my first priority is to log on under my old account but
if I can access the C:\Documents and Settings\my old
somehow it would be a great things..
please note that now I logon under my new administration
and my hard format is NTFS..
any idea pleeeeeeeeeeeesea to (e-mail address removed) thanks!